Categories: Testimonials

Member’s testimonial: Nils

Why did you choose New Zealand?

Nils: I like the scenery on The Lord of the Rings and wanted to see a country like that. Also the working holiday visa for New Zealand was very easy to get.

How awesome was New Zealand?

Nils: On a scale one 1 to 10, I’ll definitively give it a 10, haha!

Why did you choose to get the help of an agency?

Nils: I had no idea what to expect when arriving in New Zealand so I wanted something to help me kick-start my trip. I also wanted somebody to answer all my questions and support me all trip long.

Can you describe what is an Arrival Pack?

Nils: It is a help to introduce backpackers to New Zealand and set them up quickly in the country. It helps you start your trip faster and support you along the way.

What was the best thing that your agency did for you?

Nils: Haha, the things that I don’t like to do, of course! Like opening the bank account and setting me up with a phone, for example. The help on my CV was great too, we made a very good New Zealand CV.

What has been your favourite spot in NZ?

Nils: I met some friends on the South Island and we travelled for about one month. We stayed in Castle Hill for a little while and I loved it! We did a lot of climbing there and, one day, a group of musicians came and played in a natural amphitheatre near Quatum Field. We relaxed in the sun listening to them. It was one of the highlights of my trip.

What kind of jobs did you do here in New Zealand?

Nils: I started with a bit of WWOOFing. In Tamaranui, I worked turning an old church and school into a retreat. In Mt Maunganui, I was cutting trees and getting firewood. I got to ride motorbike every afternoon around the property and the family that I lived with was great.

In Wanaka, I worked as bartender at a festival, which was a lot of fun – then as a glassy. I liked it because I was always busy and had no time to get bored.

After that, I worked a few days in an Indian restaurant as a kitchen hand but quit really fast because I didn’t like it at all. I went on to work in the kitchen of a small café for about a month and a half.

From time to time I also I helped out landscaping around Wanaka to earn extra cash.

What did this trip teach you?

Nils: I gained a lot of self-confidence. Instead of staying in my own bubble I can say “hi” to anybody and make new friends without any problem.

I also learned how to find a job on my own. Before this trip, all the jobs that I got were given to me by friends of my parents, so here I learned how to get one on my own.

Of course, I also learned how to live on a budget.

What was the best dollar you spent in New Zealand?

Nils: I lost a great jacket when hitchhiking and had to get a new one. It saved me many times as I got pretty cold during some South Island hikes.

So, what is your next step?

Nils: First, I am looking forward to enjoy my third summer in a row! Then I will go to Germany and work to save a bit of money for university where I will study industrial design.

Last question, would you recommend getting an Arrival Pack to your friends?

Nils: Yes, I would definitively recommend the whole experience, both travelling abroad and using an Arrival Pack!

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